Tip 08: Offer to help, you'll get down faster
Up to this point most of the tips have been mainly aimed at tube novices. Most seasoned tube users should know all of the first seven tips, even if they don't follow them. But this tip is mainly aimed at those frequent tubers, those people who seem to think that they are too important and travel too often to consider following this tip. You're not.
If you see someone struggling down the stairs, escalators, etc with a large bag or a pram offer to help. They'll get down faster, and so will you.
So many people just stand behind these slow movers, mumbling under their breath about how inconsiderate they are for being born. Just give them a hand! It'll work out better for all concerned, and you can tick off a "good deed" for the day.
(NB - anyone who is the slow mover struggling with a pram or bag, see Tip 07: Don't just stand there and don't make your volunteer helper regret giving you a hand. Also, while we're on the subject, a thank you would be nice too.)